Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS)


A videofluoroscopy (VFSS) is a noninvasive examinations that records an x-ray of your swallowing at different stages. You will be asked to chew and swallow a variety of foods and drinks, and this will be recorded during the procedure to allow us to examine what occurred.

Appointment Details

  • An appointment is required for these tests.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes early to register and allow optimal time for test. You may need to rebook if you are late
  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Please bring a list of current medications
  • Be prepared to discuss current diet and modifications made, foods that are avoided or are more difficult to swallow
  • An attendant may be helpful if you have difficulty communicating
  • Please advise your speech pathologist if you have cultural or dietary needs

What Happens After The Examination?

  • Speech-language pathologists and radiologists will review your exam. A report of the results will be sent to the doctor who ordered the test.
  • The Speech Pathologists will discuss any observed impairments  with you, following your assessment and may provide recommendations around treatment, referrals to other health care providers and diet modifications
  • If changes to your diet are required following your assessment, your speech pathologist will offer some assistance in implementing those changes.

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