Barium Studies
A study of the stomach, small and large bowel (digestive system) used for detecting strictures (narrowing), reflux, hiatal hernias, ulcers, polyps, diverticulosis, cancers. The following gastric procedures are performed in our designated facilities:
- Upper GI Series (Barium Meal) or Barium Swallow (esophagus)
What Are An Upper GI Series?
An upper GI series is an x-ray exam of the oesophagus, stomach, and first part of the small bowel. It utilizes a special form of real time x-ray called fluoroscopy and contrast material called barium. In addition, gas-producing granules are given to improve the diagnostic quality of the images.
Appointment Details
- An appointment is required for these tests.
- Patient must bring in a signed requisition from their physician and health card.
- Please arrive 10 minutes early to register and allow optimal time for test. You may need to re-book if late.

What Do I Need To Prepare?
Upper GI Series (Barium Meal) or Barium Swallow (oesophagus)
Nothing to eat or drink after 10pm. Do not chew gum or smoke the morning of the study.
Upper GI Series
A Technologist will show you to a change room, give you a gown and ask you to remove some of your clothing and jewelry. You will be brought into the x-ray room where you will be asked to swallow a few gas producing granules with a small amount of water. The Technologist will then give you a cup of barium to drink while they take X-ray images. The barium passes down your oesophagus into your stomach and duodenum. You will be asked to turn on your side, back, stomach and to stand to ensure all areas are seen for assessment. You may also be given an injection of a medication called Buscopan which is a smooth muscle relaxant that aids in visualizing ulcers, and erosions. Once all images have been captured you will be able to dress and to return to your normal daily activities.
The Technologist will instruct you to consume extra fluids for the next 24 hours after the exam along with your regular meals to ensure that the barium flushes out of your bowel to avoid constipation.
Marshmallow Swallow
If one of your problems is swallowing difficulty (dysphagia), you will be given marshmallows to swallow as part of the Upper GI Series. The boluses are 1 cm and 2 cm in size. The smaller bolus is given first and if it passes through your oesophagus easily, then you will be given the second bolus. Marshmallows are used as they simulate pills and normal food and melt easily.